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Clarification meetings “Generiek Programma van Eisen Materieel”


Following the previous publication of the “Generiek Programma van Eisen Materieel v1.0” (referred to as “GPvEM v1.0”), the ERTMS programme directorate has noticed that suppliers of ERTMS onboard equipment would like to share their view regarding the GPvEM.

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As previously announced on this website, the ERTMS programme directorate will facilitate parties to register for clarification meetings. The applicable conditions pertaining to these meetings can be found below. The ERTMS programme directorate has made several dates and times available. Initially only suppliers of ERTMS onboard equipment are invited to register.

In the event that several registries are received for the same timeslot, a first come first serve approach shall apply.

Timeslot 17, 18, 19 sep 2019

You may enter your request until 7th September 2019 by sending the following information to the email address loket.ertms@prorail.nl : Preferred timeslot, Number of attendees, summary of expected questions on the GPvEM v1.0, contact details.


The ERTMS Programme has set out the following conditions pertaining to this market consultation:

  1. The clarification meetings are explicitly not part of any procurement procedure that may or may not follow.
  2. Expressly no rights may be derived from the information that is provided for the purposes of the clarification meetings.
  3. As a result of participating in the clarification meeting, participants will not be given any preferential status with respect to any future procurement procedure, nor will participation lead to exclusion from such a procedure.
  4. The clarification meeting is voluntary and no rights can be derived from the (insights resulting from) the clarification meeting.
  5. The target group for the clarification meetings is initially limited to suppliers of onboard ERTMS equipment.
  6. The following parties are, amongst others, excluded from participation in the clarification meetings: public entities, interest groups, private individuals, the press and knowledge institutions.
  7. Interested parties may request an individual clarification meeting with the ERTMS programme directorate. Depending on the nature of the request, the ERTMS programme directorate may decide to hold such a meeting. Parties are aware, and agree, that minutes of the meeting will be made public, unless commercially sensitive information (to be indicated by the participating party and decided upon by the ERTMS programme directorate) is shared.
  8. The ERTMS programme directorate may draft an overall report of the main points of all of the individual clarification meetings and queries. This report will be made public (without any commercially sensitive details).
  9. The primary language of the clarification meetings will be Dutch or English.
  10. All communication regarding the clarification meetings, including requests and queries, must take place via the following email address: loket.ertms@prorail.nl
  11. By participating in the clarification meetings, parties unconditionally agree to the conditions as stated herein.
  12. Parties are aware that participating in a clarification meeting is voluntary; no compensation for participation shall be made nor shall compensation be made for expenses arising from participation.