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Current CEF grant possibilities


The Dutch ERTMS program has announced the opportunity to apply for a grant to retrofit, upgrade or fitment of on board ERTMS BL3 systems. Swift action is wanted though. Deadline for submission of proposals is January 19, 2022.

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There are several ways to make use of CEF funding.

You can become a partner in a joint application, organised by the Dutch ERTMS Programme, and start with the project proposal. Below you'll find the presentation in which you find the information on how to join in, and a form to fill out. Please return this form before November 15 2021 to loket.ertms@prorail.nl. Besides the presentation and the form, you also find a series of Q & A's that where asked and answered at the information session on november 2nd, 2021.

You can also apply as an individual applicant. When you are located in the Netherlands, you would need to contact RVO to get the necessary signature from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement.
